Events – January 2025

Bookworm Baddies – Thursday, January 2nd 7:00 to 9 pm

Welcome to Bookworm Baddies 🧚! We’re a group of bookish girlies that love to read as much as we love to yap.

Join us each month as we engage in riveting discussions about the groups current read while simultaneously yapping about our current obsessions.

Whether you’re a seasoned reader or looking for a new hobby, we’re all about sharing thoughts, laughing at bookish quirks and maybe even get sidetracked with life stories.

Find us on the Fable app under Bookworm Baddies 🧚 to learn more.

Our January book is “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” by Phillip K. Dick.

REGISTRATION REQUIRED by contacting Yesenia at

$5/attendee to support Symposia (non-profit bookstore).

Meditation Class – Monday, January 13th, 20th, and 27th 7:00 to 8:30 pm

Inaugural Series – Understanding and Transforming Suffering: Teaching on Buddha’s Four Noble Truths

$10 per class, free for supporting members

Whether it is our daily life worries and upsets, or our deeper grief, depression and rage, all of our sufferings can be transformed into empowering states of mind that increase our inner strength, love and joy. The first step in transforming our suffering is understanding its source. Where does our suffering come from? Can it be removed? Is it in the body? The mind?

In this series we will journey through Buddha’s teaching on the Four Noble Truths, in which both the problem of suffering as well as its solution are presented with extraordinary clarity. Through teachings and explorations of our own mind in meditation, we will discover that the main cause of suffering is not the external conditions, but rather our internal responses. In other words, suffering comes from our mind. Understanding this crucial point opens us up to our ability to transform and eventually remove suffering altogether thereby allowing us to discover our potential for real and lasting joy.

January 13: The Problem and The Solution

January 20: Can’t Get No Satisfaction

January 27: Transforming Desire

February 3: The Root – Misapprehending Reality

February 10: Discovering Real Freedom and Happiness


Classes include Dharma teachings and guided meditations

They are suitable for both beginners and more advanced practitioners

Each class is self-contained and is also presented as part of a series over 5-6 weeks. Drop into any class you like

No special clothing is required

No pre-registration is necessary

Chairs are supplied

Everyone welcome!

Guilty Pleasures – Open Mic Night! Tuesday, January 14th 7:30 to 10 pm

Join us for a night of unapologetic expression and creativity! Whether it’s poetry, music, comedy, or storytelling, we want you to sing it, say it, and own it. This is a judgment-free zone.

Sign-up to perform: starting at 7:15

Grab your friends, unleash your inner diva, and get ready for a night filled with laughter, creativity, and maybe a few embarrassing dance moves.

*We provide the PA, you bring your instrument and talent.

*Suggested donation $5/attendee to support Symposia (non-profit bookstore)

*Some simple snacks will be provided but feel free to BYO drinks/snacks for yourself or to share.

“Symposi-HA!” Comedy Show – Friday, January 17th at 8 pm – 9.30 pm

Come see our Bookstore’s live Stand-Up Comedy Show!

The show is produced by Hoboken comedian Matt Pena and will feature comedians from all over New Jersey and New York.

Tickets are $15 and all proceeds will go towards supporting the store as well as supporting the performers!

Please follow “Symposiha” on Instagram for all news and updates and grab your tickets on eventbrite.comCome see our Bookstore’s live Stand-Up Comedy Show!

The show is produced by Hoboken comedian Matt Pena and will feature comedians from all over New Jersey and New York. Tickets are $15 and all proceeds will go towards supporting the store as well as supporting the performers!

Please follow “Symposiha” on Instagram for all news and updates and grab your tickets on

Don’t forget to bring your own beverages and snacks to enjoy at the show!


Crafts & Drafts – Friday, January 24th at 7:00-9:00pm

Join us for our first Crafts & Drafts: a night to get your butt in chair, hands on paper. Nothing fancy, just you, your art, and some friends.

Bring a project you’re working on, though we will also have paper and writing utensils.

Expect some refreshments, but please free to BYO for yourself or to share.

Suggested donation $5/attendee to support Symposia (non-profit bookstore).

Registration required. Message us or call at 862-222-7966.

Growth Mindset: How to Create Empowering Beliefs – a Workshop with Mike Trugman Thursday, January 30th at 6:00-7:30pm

One of my favorite quotes, for my whole life, has been: “Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% what you make of it.”

Put another way: how we CHOOSE to view life is critically important. We can choose beliefs that create more happiness and fulfillment.

The problem is: most of us spend our whole life thinking and believing negative thoughts, unaware that we could ever choose beliefs that empower us.

This workshop is for you if:

-You want to create more abundance and fulfillment in your life

-You want to understand and get rid of negative thoughts

-You’ve tried to take your relationships or career to the next level, but get stuck

Fee: $25. 50% of all proceeds will be donated to Lunchtime Ministry

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