Symposia Community Events – March 2007

Symposia Conversation Project
Wednesday, March 28th, 2007
Time: 8:00 PM
Location: Symposia Bookstore
510 Washington St.
Hoboken, NJ 07030
United States
Map and Directions
Information: Openness, consideration and respect are the foundation elements of vibrant community experiences. The Symposia Conversation Project is an experiment in community dialogue where people of different beliefs and points of view can engage in meaningful discourse that enlightens, challenges and enriches the participants.

The conversation topic is voted by the participants at the beginning of the meeting.

Refreshments are served at 7:30 p.m.

Suggested donation: $3

All are welcome.

Contact: Corneliu Rusu


Spoken Word Series
Sunday, April 1st, 2007
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: Symposia Bookstore
510 Washington St.
Hoboken, NJ 07030
United States
Map and Directions
Information: Stuart Greenhouse ’s poems have appeared in journals such as Antioch Review, Bellingham Review, Chelsea, Fence, Paris Review, and Ploughshares. New poems are forthcoming in Many Mountains Moving. His chapbook, “What Remains,” was chosen for a National Chapbook Fellowship and was published by the Poetry Society of America in December of 2005. He lives in Central Jersey with his wife, daughter and son.

Joel Allegretti is the author of The Plague Psalms, which appeared in 2000 from The Poet’s Press and is now in its third edition, and Father Silicon (2006), also from The Poet’s Press. Allegretti’s poetry has appeared in Art/Life, Rattapallax, Anglican Theological Review, BigCityLit, The Wandering Hermit Review, Manhattan Literary Review and other publications. He is represented in the anthology Chance of a Ghost (Helicon Nine Editions, 2005), which also includes work by Billy Collins, Rita Dove, and James Tate. He was a quarter-finalist in the 2002 Lyric Recovery Festival and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. He was one of three writers selected to participate in the inaugural Visible Word Project, a collaboration of literary and visual artists sponsored by The Center for the Performing Arts at DeBaun Auditorium. Allegretti has been a featured reader at the Writer’s Voice Series at the West Side Y, the Museum of the City of New York, CB’s Gallery, Cornelia Street Café, the Ear Inn, the Center for Book Arts, the Paterson Museum and scores of other venues. Of his second collection, Father Silicon, D. Nurkse said, “These poems are architectures, webs and prayers. Their volatility and wit never harden into irony. Read ‘Anointing of the Sick’ and then ‘Poem for the Apocalypse’ for the range this book travels. Father Silicon is a challenge and a thrill.”

Contact: Corneliu Rusu


Passover Celebration
Monday, April 2nd, 2007
Time: 7:00 AM
Location: Symposia Bookstore
510 Washington St.
Hoboken, NJ 07030
United States
Map and Directions
Information: In Symposia’s tradition of celebrating all of the world’c cultures, come and rejoice with our Passover celebration on Monday evening April 2nd at 7pm.
Contact: Corneliu Rusu


Spiritual Discussion Group
Thursday, April 5th, 2007
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: Symposia Bookstore
510 Washington St.
Hoboken, NJ 07030
United States
Map and Directions
Information: Hosted by Melisa Milonas; MSW, Certified Coach


·Share your thoughts & opinions about spirituality.
·Connect with like-minded people!!!
·Gain deeper insights into spiritual laws & concepts.

Next topic: Importance of eating a healthy diet!

·Examine the relationship between food and spirituality!
·What practices promote a spiritually minded diet?
·Is it a struggle for you to include a healthy balanced diet?

Suggested Reading:

$5 Donation Suggested

Contact: Melisa Milonas


Christianity Discussion Series
Every Tuesday 
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: Symposia Bookstore
510 Washington St.
Hoboken, NJ 07030
United States
Map and Directions
Information: This 10 week series is an introduction to Christianity and provides an opportunity for people of all backgrounds to come together to discuss issues of faith and spirituality in a comfortable, fun and non-threatening environment. Some of the various topics to be discussed include:

* Can I trust the Bible?
* Why and how should I pray?
* What about other religions?
* How can I make the most of my life?

Please be sure to RSVP to the kick-off by emailing or calling Rob Plunkett at (201) 755-7521

This event is sponsored by Redeemer Hoboken which meets on Sundays at 8th & Hudson (St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church) at 5pm.

Contact: Rob Plunkett
Phone: 201-755-7521
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